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Can a Person Who Has Never Worked Collect Social Security?

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For many individuals in California, receiving benefits through the Social Security Administration can be a lifeline. This is especially the case for the disabled, the elderly, and survivors. What happens, though, if you have never punched into a job? Can a person who has never worked collect Social Security? In short, yes, you may be able to secure benefits. However, the path forward is difficult and it can be wise to hire a Sacramento Social Security law firm.

What You Need to Know about Transitioning from Child SSI to Adult SSI

Understanding the Basics of Social Security in California

When looking into receiving Social Security benefits, even if you have never worked, it is first important to understand what these benefits entail. Social Security is a federally sponsored program administered through the Social Security Administration (SSA). It works to provide benefits to individuals who can be classified under three main categories — retired, disabled, or survivor.

Social Security retirement benefits are typically granted to those individuals who have a work history, meaning that they have paid into the Social Security system via their payroll taxes. In most cases, to qualify, an individual will need to have around 40 work credits or at least 10 years of work to become eligible for Social Security benefits in California.

So, what happens if you have never worked? Thankfully, there are still a few paths forward to securing these benefits. These options can include:

  • Supplemental security income, or SSI. This is a needs-based program run by the Social Security Administration that is not connected to an individual’s work history. Instead, your ability to receive these kinds of benefits will depend on factors such as your age and disability status. This can help elderly and disabled individuals receive the benefits they need if their income and resources are below a set threshold.To be eligible to receive these payments in California, the value of all your property cannot be higher than $2,000 if you are single and $3,000 if you are a married couple living together. You must also be 65 years or older or an individual of any age, including a child, who is blind or has a qualifying disability.
  • Spousal benefits. Another way to seek Social Security benefits, even if you have never worked before, is through spousal benefits. You may be eligible to receive these benefits if you are married to a California resident who is eligible to receive retirement or disability benefits. Even if you personally have no work record, you can collect monthly benefit checks based on the career earnings of your spouse.To qualify for spousal benefits, you need to be married for at least one year, be 62 years of age or older, be caring for a child aged 15 and younger, or be caring for a child who is of any age if that child has a disability.
  • Divorce benefits. These benefits work in a similar manner to spousal benefits. The difference is that you don’t actually need to be currently married to qualify. However, you will need to show that your previous marriage lasted at least 10 years, and if you have been divorced for fewer than two years, you will need to wait until your ex-spouse starts to obtain benefits to file.
  • Survivors benefits. In the case that you were financially dependent on a loved one and that loved one passed away, you may be able to receive survivor benefits. These benefits are typically saved for widowers or widows, but in rare cases, a child, parent, or divorced spouse may also be eligible.
  • Children’s benefits. In certain cases, a child may be eligible to get Social Security benefits as long as they are unmarried, are age 17 years and younger, are ages 18-19 and still enrolled in a K-12 school full time, or are of any age as long as they developed a disability at age 21 or younger. In certain rare cases, married children, stepchildren, grandchildren, step-grandchildren, and adopted children may be able to receive benefits.


Q: Can I Get Medical Assistance Through Supplemental Security Income?

A: Yes, if you are able to receive SSI payments in California, you can usually expect to begin receiving medical assistance, or Medi-Cal, almost automatically. In these instances, a separate application for Medi-Cal is not necessary and your attorney can help ensure that the application process runs smoothly so that all benefits can be acquired.

Q: Will a Stay-at-Home Mom Be Able to Get Social Security?

A: Yes, a stay-at-home mom can seek Social Security, and there are several ways to do so. First, if she did work outside the home for at least 10 years prior to becoming eligible for Social Security payments, this would allow her to qualify. In other cases, where the mother has never worked outside the home, she may be able to seek benefits under her spouse’s Social Security.

Q: Can My Wife Get Social Security if She Never Worked?

A: Yes, your wife may be able to secure Social Security benefits even if she has never worked. To claim spousal benefits, you will first need to ensure that you meet the requirements, such as being at least 62 years of age or older. You will also want to gather the required documentation, such as marriage and birth certificates, and apply either online or in person.

Q: Are There Challenges to Receiving Social Security in CA?

A: While there are several options for receiving Social Security in California, the way forward can prove difficult. The state boasts a relatively high average when it comes to the cost of living and this can mean that benefits might fall short of your normal expenses. Additionally, the SSA system can be overwhelming, and the state’s backlog can often make it difficult to get benefits in a timely manner.

Make the Most of Your Social Security Eligibility: Contact Gade & Parekh, LLP, Today

Social Security benefits can make all the difference in the life and well-being of an individual, especially in California. As the costs of everyday living increase, such as the price of eggs in the state, every dollar counts, and securing benefits — even if you have never worked — can be vital. At Gade & Parekh, LLP, we have been helping clients achieve their goals when it comes to these crucial payments. Contact us today to set up your initial consultation with our team.

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