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What Are the Most Approved Disabilities?

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When you suffer a disability in California, you may wonder how you will receive a livable income when you are unable to work. When it comes to receiving disability benefits through the Social Security Administration, the approval process can be rigorous and demanding, especially when it comes to qualifying disabilities. You may wonder, “What are the most approved disabilities?” A Stockton Social Security disability lawyer is here to answer that question.

The Most Approved Disabilities for SSDI in California

According to the Social Security Administration, there are several qualifying disabilities when it comes to being able to receive benefits. It can be important to understand these disabilities and whether or not you qualify for monthly payments. The most commonly approved disabilities include the following:

  • Musculoskeletal system and connective tissues disabilities. These disorders are the most commonly noted when people seek approval for Social Security benefits. The musculoskeletal system is made up of ligaments, bones, cartilage, and other connective tissues in the body. It helps you move and connect your bones.Without this system, we would not be able to sit, stand, or walk. Common disorders include fibromyalgia, arthritis, ruptured discs, scoliosis, spine disorders, carpal tunnel syndrome, and degenerative disc disease.
  • Mood disorders. These disorders tend to affect the mood of an individual or their emotional state. They can easily feel extreme sadness, loneliness, emptiness, and are quickly irritated. All of these factors can affect their ability to work and earn a living wage.The most common of these disorders are bipolar disorder, general anxiety disorder (GAD), cyclothymic disorder, seasonal affective disorder (SAD), persistent depressive disorder (dysthymia), depression related to a mental illness, and premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD).
  • Nervous system or sense organ disorders. When an individual’s senses or nervous system does not work properly, it can harm their ability to function through daily life. Your nervous system is vital in the communication of all your body parts, and it is responsible for decision-making. Your nervous system includes your nerves, sensory organs, spinal cord, and brain. The most common nervous system disorders include:
    • Functional disorders such as neuralgia or epilepsy.
    • Disorders of the structural integrity of your nervous system, like Bell’s palsy, along with injuries to the spinal cord or brain.
    • Infections such as polio or meningitis.
    • Diseases of a degenerative nature, such as Parkinson’s disease or multiple sclerosis.
  • Intellectual disabilities. When an individual suffers from an intellectual disability, it can cause them to experience limitations involving their adaptive behavior, along with their reasoning, learning, and problem-solving skills.The most common of these disabilities are Down syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), developmental delays, Fragile X syndrome, and fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD).
  • Circulatory system disabilities and conditions. Your circulatory system is one of the most vital aspects of your body. It is responsible for bringing oxygen, hormones, and nutrients to the cells of your body. It can also carry out waste. Your circulatory system, which may also be referred to as your cardiovascular system, includes all arteries that carry blood away from the heart or veins that carry blood to the heart.Common circulatory system disabilities and conditions include heart failure, arrhythmia or dysrhythmia, stroke, heart attack, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, atherosclerosis, and peripheral artery disease (PAD).
  • Schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders. When an individual suffers from the symptoms of a psychotic disorder, such as delusions, catatonia, hallucinations, or disorganized speech patterns, it can make it difficult for them to complete duties and engage in work. The most common of these disorders are schizophrenia, delusional disorder, and schizoaffective disorder.
  • Injuries. Many people will find themselves unable to work due to suffering an injury. These injuries include fractures, bone breaks, burns, and amputations.
  • Endocrine disorders. When an individual suffers a disorder of their crucial endocrine system, it can cause several problems to arise and make it so they are unable to perform the necessary duties of their job. The most common of these disorders are diabetes mellitus, hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, and diabetes insipidus.
  • Organic mental disorders. When an individual suffers from an organic mental disorder, their symptoms can remain only temporary or become permanent. These disorders can cause confusion, memory loss, and the inability of the brain to function correctly. These disorders tend to include delirium, dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, and amnesia.


Q: How Can a Lawyer Help Me Receive SSDI?

A: When you are seeking SSDI benefits in California, having the assistance of an attorney can prove essential. Your lawyer can help you by explaining the overall process and the correct way to approach your case, assisting you with all the required paperwork and the submission of many of these forms, helping you file for an appeal should your initial application get rejected, and representing you and your interests during any necessary hearings.

Q: Are There Any Conditions That Will Automatically Qualify Me for SSDI?

A: Yes, according to the Social Security Administration, there are several conditions that may automatically qualify you for SSDI benefits. These conditions can include cancer, Lou Gehrig’s disease, endocrine disorders, muscular dystrophy, and cardiovascular illnesses. When you suffer any of these conditions, you may be able to begin receiving payments right away.

Q: Are There Any Tips for Strengthening My SSDI Claim in CA?

A: Because the criteria for receiving SSDI benefits can be strict, there are certain tips that can help you be more successful in obtaining the benefits you deserve. These tips can include ensuring you have copies of all your medical records, including all diagnostic testing records or treatment plans, and working with a California disability attorney.

Q: What Should I Do If My SSDI Claim Is Rejected?

A: If your initial SSDI claim is rejected, there are a few things you can do to try and have that decision overturned. First, you can simply request that the Social Security Administration reconsider your application. You can also request a hearing, go before the Social Security Administration’s appeals council, or file a claim in federal court.

Find the Pathway to Approval with Gade & Parekh, LLP

In California, the most approved disabilities are those that undeniably affect your ability to work, such as mental health struggles, heart conditions, and disorders of the musculoskeletal system. Seeking SSDI benefits can soften the blow when you are no longer able to earn a steady wage, especially in areas like Stockton, where the cost of living is significantly higher than the national average. At Gade & Parekh, LLP, we can help. Contact our offices today.

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